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Read Harvard Medical Article
Your cholesterol and other factors linked to cardiovascular health may be influenced by the bacteria in your belly.
My Story
My name is Vanessa and I'm a wife and a stay at home mother of two little ones. I've been into natural wellness for years and we live a low tox lifestyle (as much as is possible in todays world of glyphosphate and processed everything!)
My husband was diagnosed with PTSD induced anxiety, depression and Panic disorder in the last few years and I was desperate to find something to help him after trying every natural thing we could. My friend told me about Happy Juice & after jumping on the website and reading ALL the science, watching the videos I decided it was something we had to try. What did we have to lose?
For myself, I'd been putting off working on my gut health for years, although I have recently found out I have both MTHFR gene mutations, I had given some of the changes a go, but ultimately fallen back into old ways. It can be hard to change!
What I love about Happy Juice is it's a path to healing, a first step that isn't difficult to make. It's EASY!
Happy Juice was a chance for me to heal my gut, my brain fog which I had been dealing with since becoming a mama over 7 years ago. Cravings, weight gain, irritability. Just part of daily life... I'd gotten used to feeling bleh.
Waking up tired. Can you relate?
I've been drinking Happy Juice for 3 months now and I can honestly say I felt better from day 1.
Some things I noticed right away:
- More energy & better focus
- More clarity of thought
- Less sugar cravings! Huge one for me!
Some things I noticed by day 4:
- Feeling less bloated.
- More motivated to get up and move my body (also huge for me!)
- Feeling happier!
The more I drink it the better I feel & it tastes so good! It's not something I have to pump myself up to have! I WANT to have it!
And my husband? He went from DAILY bouts of anxiety, to 1 in 6 days, the feelings of being on edge, significantly reduced as well! I can say he's definitely noticeably happier! I have my husband back & my kids have their dad back!
Don't be
a Stranger
90% of Diseases are Traced Back to the Gut
70% Increase in Good Bacteria
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